
Logo animation design board
Software: Photoshop
Typography design- Alphabet project
Concept/Shooting: Maya Peng/Yilu
Model: Hao Dong
Design: Yilu
Music video: Through this life
Music: Ryan
Video clip: Alex/ Yilu
Compositing: Yilu
Software: Final Cut Pro/After Effect

Design: Yilu/ Haiping Wang The book is a collection of BIFT student graduate art works. The concept for the whole book is to express every student's personality and difference. So we use every students' ID put into a Chinese character. The mean of the character is "self".

Book design
Software: Indesign

The CD album's name is "Another world" by musician Hao Chen. I used very simple concept present two different worlds. There is a corner of the wall. Two sides are presenting two different worlds. The boy uses growing plant escaping from one world to another.

Package design- CD design
Software: Photoshop

Package design- greeting card/wine bottle
Software: Photoshop/ Illustrator

Photography: Xin Jin Design: Yilu

Wall graffiti: Glory Zheng/Shuai Guo/Yilu

Special thanks: Dan
Other design works
Software: Adobe Creative suit/ Paint