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Match to live
The goal of this project is to match a CG element to a live action photograph. This is a very important project for me to learn how to learn from viewing it, and then create it through digital media. I used Maya, Nuke, Photoshop, After Effect and Z-brush during the whole process.
Photo reference
Special thanks: Ben Ge
Photo Preparation

photo reference

photo reference

photo reference

photo reference
Final Photography
There are two photos I choose for the project. The first one is for me to match camera easily. The second one is for the background.

final picture

final picture with block
Camera Match
I modeled the robot, then put the same place as the photo shows. Then I tried to light the scene to mimic the same shadow as the origal photo.

camera match
Shader Adjustment Process

robot shader

robor shader

plane shader

plane shader

render setting

render setting

render setting

test render
Final shader
After trying to use blinn shader, I wasn't satisfied with results. So I used SSS shader to get enough translucence.

robot final shader

robot final shader
Render layers





compositing in Nuke
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